
Water Is Leaving Colorado Farmland For The City — But Will It Ever Return?

Water Is Leaving Colorado Farmland For The City — But Will It Ever Return?

"Buy and Dry" was discussed on the last program of Diversions. This is something that needs to get more attention and needs to be discussed. The impacts that it has on the Western Slope should not be taken lightly.

Western Slope water won’t be tapped in new Front Range storage proposal, officials say

Western Slope water won’t be tapped in new Front Range storage proposal, officials say

Colorado is starting to pay attention to future water needs. Click the image to learn how.

Hemp farming exploding in popularity in Colorado: from 1,400 acres in 2014 to 17,000 today

Hemp farming exploding in popularity in Colorado: from 1,400 acres in 2014 to 17,000 today

It's about time that Colorado starts talking about hemp and the products hemp can produce. Colorado needs to unchain hemp, it can help our ag producers keep profitable farms.